Barcelona 2025 — Block 1
This course is designed so that you learn from scratch the techniques and secrets of the trade.
We explore fundamental contents such as: the spiral bouquet, creation with plants combining nature and design, large structures for events, and creation of formal compositions with precision and aesthetics.
Additionally, we will provide you with tools so you can design your own floral space and make it grow as a successful and unique business.
Block 1
3 intensive weeks
Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Floral Mentoring 1: May 19th to 23rd
Floral Mentoring 2: June 16th to 20th
Floral Mentoring 3: July 14th to 18th
Pagament per plaços disponible, consulta les opcions.
Pagament per plaços disponible, consulta les opcions.
Curs bonificable per treballadaors per compte aliè. Descompte disponible perser part d'AEFI. Contacta amb nosaltres.
Pago por plazos disponible, consulta las opciones.
Pago por plazos disponible, consulta las opciones.
Curso bonificable para trabajadores por cuenta ajena. Descuento disponible por ser parte de AEFI. Contáctanos.
This course is designed so that you learn from scratch the techniques and secrets of the trade.
We explore fundamental contents such as: the spiral bouquet, creation with plants combining nature and design, large structures for events, and creation of formal compositions with precision and aesthetics.
Additionally, we will provide you with tools so you can design your own floral space and make it grow as a successful and unique business.
Block 1
3 intensive weeks
Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Floral Mentoring 1: May 19th to 23rd
Floral Mentoring 2: June 16th to 20th
Floral Mentoring 3: July 14th to 18th
Pago plazos disponible, contacta con nosotros.
Pagament per plaços disponible, consulta les opcions.
Pago por plazos disponible, consulta las opciones.
Payment in instalments available, contact us.
Pago por plazos disponible, consulta las opciones.
Pagament per plaços disponible, consulta les opcions.
During 6 intensive weeks (Block 1-2) you will discover the power of floral design applied in a professional and personalized way.
In 6 weeks you will enter a structured learning process that will allow you to develop your own style, master innovative techniques and understand how to transform ideas into attractive commercial proposals.
If you want to take a firm step into the world of floral design, now is the time.
This course is more than training, it is a journey of growth, inspiration and practical learning for those who dream of turning their love of flowers into a real and sustainable profession.
We recommend bringing your own tools: florist scissors, pruning shears, florist's knife, cutting pliers and normal pliers.
At l'Escola you will find the rest of the material and tools necessary for the course.
*Subsidized course for employees.
Incluye habitación individual en Hotel Termes la Garriga, con acceso a spa. 3 noches (09/06 - 12/06).
Desayuno en el hotel.
Curso Floral Gravity 3 días.
PRECIO: 870,00€
Incluye habitación doble compartida (para grupos de 2 o compartiendo con alguien más del curso) en Hotel Termes la Garriga, con acceso a spa. 3 noches (09/06 - 12/06).
Desayuno diario en el hotel.
Curso Floral Gravity 3 días.
PRECIO: 790,00€
Incluye recogida cada día en el centro de Barcelona a las 07:45 y retorno a Barcelona a las 19:00.
Del lunes 10 al miércoles 12.
Curso Floral Gravity 3 días.
PRECIO: 740,00€
Incluye curso Floral Gravity 3 días.
PRECIO: 590,00€
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